REMINDER: Completion Form Due
December 1 - 2, 2023
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Download iCal FileAs the semester comes to a close, we want to remind you to wrap up your Honors activity. This message outlines the steps that you will need to take to finalize your work in the Honors College this semester. You must file completion paperwork for all Honors activities, including Honors capstones, in order to receive your Honors Units for this semester.
Log into the Honors Activity Reporting System ( to access completion forms for all Honors Activities that you have submitted.
For Honors Activities: Find your current Honors activities in HARS. Open the activity, and select "Submit Completion Form". Your activity form will then route to your activity supervisor for approval.
As the Honors College should receive the approved form by Friday, December 8, please submit your form to your activity supervisor by no later than Friday, December 1.
(Note: If you do not see the "Submit Completion Form" button, your agreement form may not be fully approved by your activity supervisor or Honors Fellow. Please follow up with them this week to correct this, so that you can submit the completion form for your activity supervisor's approval.)
For Honors Capstones: Find your current Honors capstone in HARS; open the activity.
a. If you are in the first term of your capstone, and will continue working on your capstone next semester, select "Submit Capstone Progress Report". You can provide a written update; instructions are provided. The form will route to your capstone supervisor.
b. If you are in the second term of your capstone, and have presented your capstone, and will submit the written documentation to Blackboard, select "Submit Capstone Completion Form". Upon submission, the form with route to your capstone supervisor for approval, and to your Honors Fellow for endorsement.
As the Honors College should receive the approved form by Friday, December 8, please submit your form to your activity supervisor by no later than Friday, December 1.
(Note: If you do not see the "Submit Capstone" buttons, your capstone proposal form may not be fully approved by your capstone supervisor or Honors Fellow. Please follow up with them this week to correct this, so that you can submit the appropriate form for your capstone.)
We look forward to learning about all the wonderful work you have been doing this semester! Please let us know if you have any questions!
Best wishes as you work to finish out this semester!
Date posted
Nov 20, 2023
Date updated
Nov 20, 2023