
All Honors College students MUST register for either HON 222 or HON 322 each semester.

Students should NEVER register for both HON 222 and HON 322 in the same term; any student choosing to work on the Capstone and another activity during a single semester should be registered for HON 322 only.

All Honors College students must submit an agreement form that describes their honors activity, whether you are taking an HON course, doing research or a service project, or working on your capstone.

Submit online your Honors Activity Agreement Form or Honors College Capstone Agreement/Update Form. These forms are available in the Honors Activity Reporting System (HARS) on our website. Once you have submitted the online form, it will be routed to your activity supervisor and your fellow, if necessary, for approval.

If you need assistance in selecting an appropriate honors activity, please come in to see your Honors College advisor.  You can schedule an appointment, or check their drop-in hours through iAdvise.

Honors Activity Agreement & Completion Forms Heading link

A brief overview of Agreement and Completion Forms can be found below. Please log into HARS (Honors Activity Reporting System) for a complete breakdown of Honors Activities, subsequent Agreement and Completion Forms (Capstone included), as well as walkthroughs of how to use the HARS system.

Honors Activity Agreement Forms Heading link

The Honors Activity Agreement Form is required for any student who is registered for HON 222. Find the activity you plan to conduct and fill out the appropriate agreement form. After the student submits the activity in HARS, the Activity Supervisor will be notified within one business day for electronic approval.

Only after the Activity Supervisor has approved your activity, will the Fellow be notified for electronic approval. The Agreement Form should be created in HARS no later than the end of the third week of the semester.

If also registered for HON 225 (Undergraduate Research Assistant) a completed URA application/agreement form is also required (see below).

Log into the Honors Activity Reporting System to generate your Agreement Form.

Honors Activity Completion Form Heading link

The Honors Activity Completion Form is required for any student who is registered for HON 222. In order to obtain a Completion Form, your Agreement Form must have been received by the Honors College. Once initiated, the Completion Form is forwarded to the activity supervisor for approval.

The approved form should be received by the Honors College by the last day of Finals week.

Log into the Honors Activity Reporting System to access the Completion Form.

Honors College Capstone Agreement Form Heading link

The Honors College Capstone Agreement Form is required for any student who is registered for HON 322. It is the first (#1) of a series of 4 forms related to the Capstone. This is in lieu of the Honors Activity Agreement Form (above), and must be completed at the beginning of the semester in which a student begins work on the Capstone project.

After the Capstone Agreement Form is submitted by the student in HARS, the Project Supervisor will be notified within one business day for electronic approval. Only after the Project Supervisor has approved the project, will the Fellow be notified for electronic approval.

The form should be created in HARS by the end of the third week of the semester.

Log into the Honors Activity Reporting System to generate and print your Capstone Agreement Form.

Honors College Capstone Progress Report Form Heading link

The Honors College Capstone Progress Report is required for students registered for HON 322 who have NOT completed their Capstone project at the end of the semester (Note: Please remember that Capstones usually span 2 semesters). As such, this form is typically the second (#2) of a series of 4 forms related to the Capstone. Note that the form only needs to be approved by the Project Supervisor.

The approved Capstone Progress Form should be received by the Honors College by the last day of classes of the first semester of capstone work. In order to obtain a Capstone Progress Report form, your approved Capstone Agreement Form must have been received by the Honors College.

Use the Honors Activity Reporting System to access the Capstone Progress Report form.

Honors College Capstone Proposal Update Form Heading link

The Honors College Capstone Proposal Update form is required for students registered for HON 322 who have NOT completed their Capstone project in the previous semester. The form must be approved by the Project Supervisor and Faculty Fellow.

The form should be created in HARS no later than the end of the third week of the semester. In order to obtain a Capstone Proposal Update form, the signed Capstone Agreement Form AND Progress Report Form must have been received by the Honors College.

Use the Honors Activity Reporting System to create the Capstone Proposal Update form.

Honors College Capstone Completion Form Heading link

The Honors College Capstone Completion Form is required for students registered for HON 322 who have completed their Capstone project at the end of the semester. The Capstone Completion Form is the fourth (#4) and final form in the standard series of 4 forms related to the Capstone. The form must be approved by the Project Supervisor and Faculty Fellow.

The completed form with approvals from both Supervisor and Fellow is due to the Honors College by the last day of classes. In addition, students are to submit a copy of their completed Capstone project, see the HON 322 Blackboard site for more details. In order to access a Capstone Completion Form, the approved Capstone Proposal Update form must have been received by the Honors College.

Use the Honors Activity Reporting System to access the Capstone Completion Form.

Other Honors College Forms Heading link

Faculty Fellow Request Form

All Honors College students are assigned a Faculty Fellow at the start of their sophomore year. Students who wish to request a specific Fellow or request a change in their Fellow assignment should complete this form. Requests will be reviewed between Finals Week and the end of Week 2 of the subsequent semester (EX: a request submitted in Week 3 of the Spring 2021 semester will be processed for Fall 2021).

Registration Update Form

Submit this webform to request a late add or drop (after the second week of the term) for the following Honors College courses:  HON 202 (Honors Tutoring), HON 222 (Honors Activity), HON 225 (Honors Research), or HON 322 (Honors Capstone)

Petition Form

For “special circumstances” such as: request to be reinstated, withdraw from the honors college, waiving the Honors Activity requirement for a term, or to adjust the required number of Honors Units. Students must complete the form by including an explanation of their reason for filing the petition. The completed form should be submitted to the assigned Honors Advisor for review.  Students should schedule a meeting with their advisor to discuss the petition.  Students are informed of the decision within one week of submitting their petition.

Honors College Graduation Declaration Form

Tell us about your graduation plans.  Submit this form 45 days before you graduate (usually late March).  It does not replace the graduation declaration requirements of your academic College.

Non-UIC Capstone Supervisor Nomination Form

UIC Honors students may nominate a Capstone Supervisor who is NOT part-time or full-time UIC faculty or staff; they must first secure permission from the Honors College. The potential Capstone Supervisor should complete the following short questionnaire prior to the student beginning the Capstone Project. The student and nominated Capstone Supervisor will be notified of the Honors College’s decision within five business days of the questionnaire’s submission.