Chicago Signature Honors Program (CSHP)
Events Heading link
About Heading link
Chicago Signature Honors Programming is an incredible opportunity pioneered by Dr. Ekaterina Pirozhenko, for UIC Honors College students to experience the rich cultural and educational opportunities in and around Chicago, outside of their coursework, for free!
In the past, students have enjoyed performances at the Lyric Opera, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Steppenwolf, the Goethe Institute, Prop Theatre, the Athenaeum Theatre, the Mercury Theatre, UIC Theatre, the Hellenic Museum, the National Museum of Mexican Art, Christkindlmarket, Chinatown, and Little Village, and often are able to speak with players, directors and artists — all at no cost to the students.
Event Types Heading link
In the past, students have enjoyed performances at the Lyric Opera, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Steppenwolf, the Goethe Institute, Prop Theatre, the Athenaeum Theatre, the Mercury Theatre, UIC Theatre, the Hellenic Museum, the National Museum of Mexican Art, Christkindlmarket, Chinatown, and Little Village, and often are able to speak with players, directors and artists — all at no cost to the students.
Policy and Rules Heading link
Attendance to Chicago Signature Honors Programming events is open to all students currently enrolled in the Honors College at the University of Illinois Chicago. Each event listing has an RSVP link (below). By RSVP’ing, you are committing to going to the event sponsored through Honors College and agreeing to abide by the safety protocols listed for each event.
Upon completion of your RSVP you will receive a confirmation from the system letting you know that you have either A) registered successfully or B) have been placed on a waitlist, in the event that the event has reached capacity. Those who registered successfully will receive an email at least 48 hours prior to the outing with critical information regarding directions, required safety guidelines, travel suggestions, and information on how to claim your ticket. Those who have been wait-listed should keep an eye on their email/phone the days leading up to and day of the event, in case there are cancellations, as the wait-list will be contacted in the order of registration to claim extra tickets.
As college funds are allocated for and spent on this educational program based on RSVP counts, it is your responsibility to show up to the event for which you signed up. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend an event after registering, it is your responsibility to contact the program administrators, as soon as possible (preferably via, no later than 8am the day of the event [or as soon as you’re able in emergency circumstances]) so that your ticket may be given to the next person on the wait-list. Students who fail to attend an event for which they have RSVP’d without timely/adequate communication, will receive a formal request to reimburse the Honors College for the cost of the unused ticket, which could have instead been used to sponsor another student’s experience.
Questions? Contact us by Honors College Support