Study Abroad Option Heading link

Many Honors College students study abroad at some point in their undergraduate years. With careful planning, spending time studying in another country can be successfully incorporated into a student’s curriculum. Study Abroad can be counted as a student’s Honors Activity; students do not need to complete an additional Honors Activity while abroad. Students are welcome to study abroad multiple times or for more than one term.
Students engaging in a study abroad activity are required to complete two webform reflections by the following deadlines (in addition to regular Honors College Agreement Form and Completion Form requirements and deadlines):
- Study Abroad Goals Form – Must be submitted by 5pm on the Friday of Week 7
- Study Abroad Reflection Form – Must be submitted 5pm on the last Friday of the semester (Week 15)
Students receive links to these forms via email and in HARS. If these forms are not completed by the required deadlines, students will not have satisfactorily completed the activity and will not earn Honors Units.
Students will receive 1 Honors Unit for programs shorter than 2 weeks, 2 Honors Units for programs between 2-8 weeks, and 3 Honors Units for programs longer than 8 weeks studying abroad per semester.
Honors College Embedded Spring Break Study Abroad Programs Heading link

HON 124: POP! The Art and Culture that Rocked British Society in the 60s
- 3 credits – This course is a full spring semester course
Fulfills requirements for General Education categories:
- Understanding the Past or Understanding the Creative Arts
Program Description
What was so revolutionary about the art and culture emerging from postwar Britain in the 1960’s and what were its roots? How widespread was the actual impact of the “Swinging 60’s” on British life? In this course, students will learn about the far-reaching changes that swept the UK in the 1950’s and 1960’s, exploring topics such as shifting notions of class and gender; Pop Art and Op Art movements; 1960’s photography, fashion, design and film; “Swinging London;” and the music of the Beatles and Rolling Stones.
Field trips include Tate Britain, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and Abbey Road in London and a visit to Liverpool.
Honors College Study Abroad Programs Heading link

HON 201: Yoga & Social Justice in Panama
- 1 Credit Hour & 1 Honors Unit
Program Description:
Students will consider how yoga informs social justice practices from a local to global scale and will be exposed to key concepts, language, and the history or yoga as an ethical practice.
Like Chicago, there are a variety of yoga and social justice initiatives in Panama City, this provides students with the opportunity to draw connections between these global cities.
Honors College Faculty Fellow Led Opportunities Heading link

Examples of programs include:
- Pow! Zap! BAM: Superheroes in Anime, Manga, Movies and Comics in Tokyo – Mark Martell, Global Asian Studies
- Biomaterials in Barcelona – Tolou Shokuhfar, Engineering
- Entrepreneurship in Singapore – Dan Hogan, Business
- Population Education and Social Movements in Cuba – Todd Destigter, English
- Social Justice, Identity, and Language in Oaxaca – Kim Potowski, Hispanic and Italian Studies
- Population Health in Ireland – Krista Jones, Nursing
- Culture and Health in Spain – Amy Johnson, Nursing
- Field Ecology: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) – Karin Nelson, Biological Sciences
- Exploration of Qualitative Human Movement Analysis, London – Vered Arbel, Kinesiology and Nutrition
To see a full list of programs for more information and important deadlines, please click the link below.