
Transfer or Continuing Students Heading link
The Honors College welcomes nearly 225 transfer students and 200 current UIC students each year for a total of nearly 1,900 Honors College students.
Learn how to apply!
Getting Started Heading link
The Honors College accepts new students to the college for both Fall and Spring semesters. Current UIC students can apply to join the UIC Honors College as long as they meet the minimum 3.40 UIC GPA and have at least 4 semesters of undergraduate study left to complete.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at Honors College Support
- Visit the UIC Office of Admissions website for application requirements.
- Apply to UIC through the transfer application.
- On the Honors College tab, select “Yes” to apply to the UIC Honors College. You will be asked to provide 400-500 word essays to answer each of the following questions:
- Please describe ways that you have sought out academic challenges and personal growth opportunities while in high school or your previous college(s). Examples can include activities both inside or outside of your school.
- In its mission statement, the UIC Honors College is described as a community of scholars whose goal is to enrich the educational experience of undergraduates and allow the faculty and students of all disciplines to interact in teaching, learning, and research. How can you contribute to the Honors College community? What benefits do you expect in return?
Please be advised that you are required to submit Honors College essays at the time of application for full consideration.
If you are interested in applying to the Honors College, but have already submitted your UIC Application without indicating that you wanted to be considered for the Honors College, please access a secondary Honors College application through this link.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at Honors College Support
The Honors College welcomes applications from students entering UIC as transfer students.
The strongest transfer candidates to the Honors College typically have completed 24 semester hours, earned at least a 3.4 GPA, and plan to be enrolled at UIC for at least four semesters (however those with three semesters left may be considered).
Learn more about the Honors College courses and requirements before applying!
Apply to the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) or Transfer Merit scholarships through our scholarships page.
Each session is scheduled for 120 minutes, and you can choose to attend either an in-person or virtual session. Honors students should attend orientation with their primary college first to select their major related courses, before attending Honors Navigate.
Each Honors Navigate session will include:
- Overview of the Honors College and requirements
- Honors courses and activities
- Q & A with current honors students and academic advisors
Important Deadlines for Transferring Students Heading link
- Deadline for Fall: June 1st
- Deadline for Spring: December 1st
If you have additional questions, please contact us at (312) 413-2260 or Honors College Support